Happy Smile Day
Welcome to our Happy Smile Day Event. This will be our third year in a row of doing this event.

Every child deserves a Happy Smile. We have been blessed since the first day we open. The support from the community has been a huge value to our growth, and that is something we won’t take for granted. We need to give back to the community, and our Smile Day is just one of the many ways we accomplish this.
On June 22th, we will open the door to provide Free Dentistry for any child between 0 - 15 years of age. We will open the registration a week before.
Mark in your calendar for June 15th to call Bamboo Dental at (905) 505-2061 to reserve your spot.
We will see you on June 22nd. Be prepared for a great day and good surprises for all children coming that day.
Registration Opens on June 15th
Happy to see you coming
Bamboo Dental Team
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Bamboo Dental offers the ability to request your dentist appointments online. Schedule an appointment now!
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By filling out the New Patient Forms ahead of time you will save significant time on your visit.
New Patient Forms