Invisalign - Overbite Correction

Do you know what Is Invisalign Clear Aligners
Invisalign is a great alternative to traditional braces. Invisalign corrects your smile by discreetly using clear aligners.
Invisalign clear aligners are very similar to what athletes wear to protect their teeth from damage. They are smaller and clear, which makes them easy to wear and difficult for others to notice.
The aligners are completely removable. In fact, you must take them out to brush and eat.
Metal braces can even cut and scratch the inside of your mouth. With Invisalign, you get a break from the awkward mouthfeel, and that’s just the beginning. Often, Invisalign treatments are more effective and take less time to achieve results.Do you know How Invisalign Clear Aligners Works?
Here at Bamboo Dental, we begin your treatment with full a 3-D imaging scan of your mouth. After we create a treatment plan which will be presented and discussed with you.
The treatment plan consists of a series of clear aligners you must wear. You wear them for 4-6 weeks on average before switching to the next aligner.
Because every mouth is different, we cannot tell you exactly how long the treatment will take to correct your teeth. Our treatments last between six months and one year on average.
When you’ve completed your aligner regimen, you also get a retainer. This retainer will sit behind your teeth and work to keep your teeth from reverting to their original positions.
Do you know What Is an Overbite ?
Overbite is when the top teeth overlap the bottom teeth too far. While some overbite is normal, too much of an overbite can cause problems and affect your smile.
The overlapping teeth can present vertically, meaning the top teeth have a significant overlap of your bottom teeth. An overbite can also present horizontally, which describes when your top teeth protrude out in front of your bottom teeth.
Toddlers use pacifiers and suck their thumbs. These two habits are primarily responsible for creating orthodontic issues like an overbite.
Adults can have bad habits too, like nail-biting or smoking. These two habits often lead to orthodontic issues later in life.
How to correct Overbite With Invisalign - Clear Aligners
Invisalign’s clear aligners have gained popularity over the traditional braces because they are clear and therefore not visible to the casual observer.
After your 3-D image scan, your Our Team here at Bamboo Dental will order a series of clear aligners. Every four weeks, you come in for an evaluation. In most cases, you’ll get a new aligner. Sometimes you will need to continue with the current aligner.
Depending on the treatment we may incorporate the use of an elastic band to help shift stubborn teeth. The rubber band adds pressure to help the teeth move.
What are the benefits of Invisalign - Clear Aligners
Invisalign’s removable clear aligners allow you to feel and look like you. You may have an event you want to go to and don't want to wear the aligners. You can take the aligner out before you leave the house instead of at the table in that fine dining restaurant.
The real beauty of Invisalign is that you’ll smile confidently during a romantic conversation/dinner or even during this video conference call you may be presenting to your customer, etc..
By correcting your overbite with Invisalign, you are helping your teeth and gums stay healthy.
Invisalign’s removable aligners allow you better oral hygiene over traditional braces. Food and plaque get stuck in metal braces and can lead to cavities, but your clear aligners come out every time you brush and floss.
Is Invisalign - Clear Aligners the right solution For You?
We encourage you to contact us online or call our office at 905-505-2061 and schedule a free consultation.
We are confident we can gives you a smile you deserve.
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